I found one a few days ago. Its Canadian and could be worth some big money ,,,,if it is brass.
Problem is,,,How do I find out. Called and went to a couple of coin dealers in the area and they dont know chit. Seems they dont want anything to do with it,,wont even look at it.
Its in VF to EF condition and is dark in color. It is either brass or bronze. They both will darken from being in the ground. I know the odds are its bronze but I really need to find out for sure. A brass coin in this condition is red booked at 10,000$ and Bronze - 12$
I scratched it very little from digging it and it sure looks brass in the scratch ,,,to me and a friend of mine.
I want to send it to NGS but need a dealer to do that,,dont know of any that do it. Also just went to their site and didnt see where they grade Canadian coins or a price.
Here's a link about the coin: says it is extremely difficult to tell the difference. http://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=50792
Problem is,,,How do I find out. Called and went to a couple of coin dealers in the area and they dont know chit. Seems they dont want anything to do with it,,wont even look at it.
Its in VF to EF condition and is dark in color. It is either brass or bronze. They both will darken from being in the ground. I know the odds are its bronze but I really need to find out for sure. A brass coin in this condition is red booked at 10,000$ and Bronze - 12$
I scratched it very little from digging it and it sure looks brass in the scratch ,,,to me and a friend of mine.
I want to send it to NGS but need a dealer to do that,,dont know of any that do it. Also just went to their site and didnt see where they grade Canadian coins or a price.
Here's a link about the coin: says it is extremely difficult to tell the difference. http://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=50792