Louisiana Ken
New member
I finally got about a 2 1/2 hunt in after not hunting for what seemed forever. Went back to that 1820's Arcadian house of course (been hunting it for 10+ years). I worked a bunch of iffy signals and got lucky. 1st and 2nd pics show an 1828 one cent (in somewhat decent shape for where I'm at). The numbers were jumping around (35-47, 30-45, etc.) but 15-34 hit several times. I dug a plug and saw rust in the the clay and found a 4" square nail. I put the plug back in the hole and stepped on it. I put the coil over the plug again and got a 15-47 reading. Thinking it was another nail I dug the plug out again. Again I saw rust. When I was putting the dirt back in the hole, I saw the green edge of the coin. My 5th large cent from the property and 2nd oldest. HISTORY NOTE: Andrew Jackson was elected president that year! The 3rd and 4th pics show an old dropped civil war bullet (14-17). It's the 3rd and best condition for that type I've found (what is it, a pistol 2 ringer?). The 5th pic shows a Flying Tiger toy war plane and the last pics shows misc. clad, toy car parts, tokens, etc. I'll let you know what I find next.
Good Luck at Your Sites!
Good Luck at Your Sites!