Been keeping track of my battery usage lately, so I'm a little more attuned to how much I'm finding in what period of time than usual. These were found in 18.7 hours since and including Thanksgiving day. Actually the 1922 chaffeurs license was from a few days before, but it was a cool find and I hadn't taken a picture of it yet so it's here too.
Only my fifth barber dime ever and my first since last year, so I was excited to find that. I love it when the first thing you see on a silver dime being dug is "one dime" in big letters on the reverse.
With the chaffeurs license are a $5 furniture store token and an early 1900's token/pendant from the U.S. Cream Separator company which depicts both the Pan Am Exposition and the Exposition Internationale where the company apparently scored grand prizes for cream separation at both events.
Only my fifth barber dime ever and my first since last year, so I was excited to find that. I love it when the first thing you see on a silver dime being dug is "one dime" in big letters on the reverse.
With the chaffeurs license are a $5 furniture store token and an early 1900's token/pendant from the U.S. Cream Separator company which depicts both the Pan Am Exposition and the Exposition Internationale where the company apparently scored grand prizes for cream separation at both events.