I'd make a "feeler" run with the stock coil and if I ran into heavy trash I'd change to the 5.3 or the 4X6 shooter. At that point I'd mark off areas and try to hunt as thoroughly and patiently as possible overlapping my coil by a third or so and working my patches first length wise, then side wise, then diagonally. This takes time and persistence, but will give the most recovery of whatever might be there. Use good headphones and listen to the threshold very carefully as often a very slight rise in the audio will be all you'll get on the deeper goodies. Do I need to add keep the coil at ground level and don't raise it like a pendulum at the end of your swings?
Be sure to hunt along the edges of walks/driveways, steps etc. and in what might have been garden areas, and under where clothes lines may have been. Also any outhouses or where they were and the path to them. Give a good run around any large, very old trees as well. If there are any stone fences check along the fence and the fence itself. Others may add some other suggestions, but these should get you off to a good start. Have fun and keep us informed as to how it goes.