Thank you for your response, Goldstrike. Getting to the beach early is not a problem for me. I'm an old guy 71 and I usually go to bed around 8 p.m. and wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning, so I'm at the beach a little before they officially open at 5 a.m. I did stay up later than usual a couple of times and go down to the beach just to observe, and I saw people detecting, so I guess that's the reason I'm not finding much in the morning. The duel field is an excellent machine, I've found extremely thin pieces of wire only 1 or 2 inches long with it so I know it will find any gold if it is there, but a p I machine is just not fun for me. Finding every hairpin, screw or nail, pieces of wire and other pieces of iron trash is a time waster, while other people with their vlf machines, many with a meter, are ignoring the iron, their even leaving the zinc pennies for me to waste my time digging. I do have a machine I do love using at the beach, a Sovereign GT that I bought new 2 1/2 years ago, but it quit working about 3 months ago, and being on minimum social security, I'm trying to save the money to send it in so I can have it repaired. I love the multi tones, and I have the control box hip mounted so there is no weight and I can swing it all day, that's the one machine I really enjoy. I'm hearing impaired so I can't hear on a phone to call them to find out how much it will cost or their address to send it to, but I'm sure I've got enough money put away now, so I just have to get on the Sovereign forum and ask someone to find the address of the repair place. Over the last few years I have found 11 gold and 1 platinum ring, but most of them are the kind you buy at k-mart, not like that impressive ring you found at the top of this post, which is the reason I have been coming back to look at that picture every day for the past 5 days.