The Sun was out today, Temperature in the 50s,Slight Breeze and just down right nice.Don't worry you Snowed in Folks,These days are coming to a town near you.Today I went to a Tot-Lot I've been to before where I've found the ring that's stamped D10K with 2 small diamonds "I think" and a Red stone and a Gold religious pendent.Today at the same lot had a strong signal on my ace one notch below nickle 2" down in the bark.Started removing the chips and with in a few seconds I saw it.14K.Thats when a big S%#t eatn grin came across my face.
Don't let the scans fool ya.It makes them look alot bigger than they really are.Need to get me a scale..... thanks for looking hope you enjoy
Don't let the scans fool ya.It makes them look alot bigger than they really are.Need to get me a scale..... thanks for looking hope you enjoy