- - youre among friends. I doubt any of us dont have or haven't tried other detectors....
I am a Tesoro man as my other favored brand, and own three of them.
I am a big fan of the 1266X, and would buy another one tomorrow, if I found a good deal on one.
SO it's all good. BUt when I want a detector I have faith in, like an old friend, I grab my 1350.
P.S. I owe that to Bill R, BTW. When I first got a 1250, he was the one who gave me encouragement and advice when I was whining about not being able to figure it out. The fact that I disregarded his advice and sold my first 1250 was my stupidity.
But his words always came back to me and so I was determined to put them to the test. I got a then-new 1350 and for one year I used it almost exclusively. Thanks Bill, I havent put it down yet.