It missed them because I got them with my Explorer II & Pro Coil last week.. Went back over the same turf with both the Explorer & Etrac with the 13, took about 4 hours........Turned up a key, a shotgun shell and 1 more wheatie(wasnt deep,just missed it before) and a lot more garbage than I normally dig, trying to produce something where there is nothing left. Most of the coins recovered on the previous hunt were in the 7" to 9" range with a few shallower and on edge or angle and about half had iron in the hole or near by.. Site had been hunted but not by a Minelab..
After a couple hours of hunting with the Etrac and 13 and finding no good deep signals to make back to back tests, I buried a quarter at 9-10 inches to do some testing.. Dirt was good Illnois black dirt with some clay, nicely moisted from an overnight shower to perfect digging & depth moisture level.. I should have went deeper or used a dime but went with it for some testing... The plan was to lower the sensitivity until it disappeared .. The Etrac would detect it with near perfet ID in all directions down to 18, The 10X 12 Sef 17 & the 13" (
Great White as I have named it) down to 15.. I retested everything again on the Explorer II with near identical results..
The Great White does make deep signal sound & Id better but it also makes iron falses sound good and lock on pretty well at 11-12 40-48,, The falsing seems to be worse on the Etrac than the Explorer 2. (Smart Find Screen on Explorer vs Digital on Etrac) I did lower the gain on both machines to help this but feel I may have not went low enough.Normally use 27 on the Etrac & 8 or 9 on the Explorer II. I lowered the Explorer II to 7 and the Etrac to 24 but now feel I should have went to 21 on the Etrac with the Great White.. I will test this next time out..
Weight wise , the Great White is quite noticeably lighter than the 10X12 and slightly heavier feeling than the Pro Coil.. I do have a X-1 probe with the probe mounted on the center shaft so it all kind of adds up to being pretty heavy after a few hours.. kind of the staw & camel type thing..
For most of the Park type areas I hunt, the Pro Coil is still king, just a more enjoyable coil to use.. The park that I did this test at is much less trashy that most parks I hunt.. At most of my sites a anything larger than a Pro Coil would not be feasable.. The Great White is a good choice if you
need a little extra depth & coverage at the expense of a lot more time anaylizing and digging iffy iron signals.. As I said above, lowering the gain further and a little more seat time along with all of the other new users suggenions that will come will surely improve the overall Great White experience... The next time I got back to this place I will be using the 6X8 and the 6" Excelerator to see what the Big Boys left behind.... Oh, and if you give the Great White a good coat of Behold, most of the dirt wont stick to that pretty surface ..
