...the sidewalks are comin up in my town to be replacedone side of the street was done in '78-the other side 20-40 years before thatThe odds are;nobody detected them in '78 when they were replaced....Back then;detectors were pretty low-tech(and from what I have heard,some of them were pretty expensive,too).....and not too many people around abouts had money money to throw out for a "TOY"....(HA!!!We ALL got display cases full of goodies we found with our TOYS)!!have ya ever had anybody call your detector a TOY???I have-when they seen what I have found with my "TOY"...they all of a sudden wanted one....By the way,Easter weekend-I have 4 days off-good Friday Service,of course-Saturday,Im loading my detectors and sand scoop in the car-headed to TAWAS on Lake Huron(Stayin out of the water though-chilly!!!);Sunday,Easter service,of course.... MONDAY,headed back home-to SIDEWALK HEAVEN!!!!