Just read your post. Great report, thanks. I see you and your friend are impressed with it's left/right separation as I've been raving about for a long time. Just blows my mind, and in fact I *think* the DD line on it *might* even be sharper than my 5.5" S-5. For that reason if you grid a spot two different angles 90 degrees to each other I think you'll get a ton of stuff that otherwise a smaller coil might have been needed for. That said, of course a smaller coil like the S-5 will find even more, because it's length is only 5.5" as compared to 12, and regardless of how many angles you grid a site there are going to be deeper coins masked by the length of the coil from any direction if they are surrounded by trash in certain angles, so not saying a tiny trash coil isn't still a good second coil to re-work a spot.
Just saying the 12x10's left/right separation makes it fantastic at finding coins right up against junk. And I mean RIGHT up against junk. Now, will the stock 10" Tornado also find coins right up against junk left/right wise? Sure will. Best stock coil I ever owned on a machine, and with outstanding depth. But, the 12x10 makes that left/right separation even easier. Like trying to cut a loaf of bread with a butter knife (10" Tornado), versus using a razor sharp bread knife. The 12x10 just makes it more "effortless".
I see you also saw the sensitivity was able to ride at full. I find that true with my 12x10 too at many sites. I've compared it to the Tornado at a site and always the 12x10 will ride higher sensitivity. It's a very stable coil. Most stable I ever owned, but again the Tornado is no slouch at stability either.
PS- Yes, Ron's meter is a fantastic one!
You can mount it in the stock location and still see it easier thanks to it standing up. It'll also mount on top of the grip if you want, and I've seen some guys have done that.
PS #2- PLEASE post future field reports on this coil as you get to know it more. And you haven't seen anything yet, because this coil makes 8 or 9" silver dimes or pennies much easier to ID and hit hard in dry soil for me. That might not sound fantastic but remember we are talking my mineralized ground here. The Tornado will hit them in dry ground that deep too but *usually* (not always) requires more work to wiggle them up. Buy I'm not knocking the Tornado, as I've dug 11" coins in wet conditions with that awesome stock coil. UNHEARD OF in my ground with ANY machine I've owned, and I've owned just about most of them.