Have to pack up my 1280X to send in for a calibration, coil balance and a possible adjustment on the internal ground balance potentiometer(POT).
The POT is an internal component that is set at the factory, I just found out that it can be adjusted from fellow member Vlad. You can do it yourself and tech support will tell you how, but it voids your warranty if you still have one. I have the lifetime warranty so I will gladly pack it and ship it.
I called Fisher to discuss the POT, and after explaining the settings I have been able to attain, they said the machine can do better, send it in.
Tech support was very helpful, and customer service actually e-mailed me before they opened and said they got my request and said I should call asap to get the ball rolling during their normal operating hours. So far so good. I'll keep you posted.
Have to pack up my 1280X to send in for a calibration, coil balance and a possible adjustment on the internal ground balance potentiometer(POT).
The POT is an internal component that is set at the factory, I just found out that it can be adjusted from fellow member Vlad. You can do it yourself and tech support will tell you how, but it voids your warranty if you still have one. I have the lifetime warranty so I will gladly pack it and ship it.
I called Fisher to discuss the POT, and after explaining the settings I have been able to attain, they said the machine can do better, send it in.
Tech support was very helpful, and customer service actually e-mailed me before they opened and said they got my request and said I should call asap to get the ball rolling during their normal operating hours. So far so good. I'll keep you posted.