I think you and Larry have it nailed. I set up a little differently only because I naturally swing a little on the slow side (I am not worried about losing depth from swinging too fast). Anyway, I find a deeper target and set the filter using my default swing speed instead of setting the filter as low as possible then trying to remember to swing slower. Then I tweak the recovery rate to a lower number if there is a lot of trash or a higher number if just an average site... however I prefer to just tweak the recovery by ear until and if the audio gets better with the recovery higher or lower. Then I will revisit the filter to see if any change improves the audio, if I change it I revisit the recovery etc until the audio is as good as it will get.
It goes without saying that I have already gotten a GOOD ground balance.
I have been using autotrac and locktrac. I think I am going to settle on locktrac and use the offset method to set the GB and just recheck it regularly. I prefer to use three frequencies whenever I can, getting the wrong frequency's hump as dominate on a target (when you know another frequency should be strongest, is a good indicator that the GB needs to be reset). Even then, if you check the target with the ground probe the proper frequency will usually have the strongest signal strength. IIRC if you GB off to the side of a target then right over the target you can get a correct VDI number for the target using the ground probe plus other information, I have not used this much so I can't elaborate... but it could be good stuff on an iffy target or it could be a waste of time since you're going to dig it anyway, laff. I just like to know as much as I can, I like guess what I am going to dig. It isn't important and wont increase your finds, in fact you may find less by spending more time over a target but still, I want to know everything that the machine will tell me and make a guess about what is under the coil... and I like to be right! I can't wait until I have time to learn more about the VDI numbers in 22.5 and 2.5 non-normalized. Running three frequencies then checking in 22.5 and 2.5 non-normalized could really help in places that are littered with a particular type of tab or loads of any type of identical trash.
The V3/V3i holds so much promise and I am sure that it is still holding secrets.
Have fun!