To all of you that talked to me on how to hunt this site i thank you we had a weird nice week last week and let me say the fortys were nice i will cut to the chase this is a dam overgrown mess but i did find a few cool finds 1 1908 ind pen 1 1920 wheat pen i wheat cant tell date on also 4 beach tags i always like to find beach tags not sure why just cool finds and 2 rings i think 1 is a old well made gumball and the other is a 1928 class ring not sure what its made out of not sure the school but got a idea time to do some home work try to find the owners family im sure the owner is prob dead the date on the ring would put them at the 100 to 101 depending on there age when they got the ring i will keep you updated on what i find if it freezes again it could be may before it thaws again god i hope not at least i got a feb hunt i love it