After reading a lot of post of people installing 10 turn ground pots in place of the 3 3/4 turns I was just wondering if the higher resolution wouldn't make any real difference.If the circuit was designed to use the 3 3\4 it seems why would changing just that one trimmer change the whole circuit design?I thought the ground control working with the rest of the circuit is working as a whole.Is it more than just the pot that adjust the ground circuit?Was the circuit designed to change the pot to a different value without loss of performance.I know their are some computers that by maxing out the ram won't make it any faster because the mother board is designed to only handle so much extra ram and adding more does nothing performance wise.Not every computer but some.So isn't it about the same when installing a 10 turn pot in place of the 3\34 pot? Does that automatically increase performance.Even with a 3\34 pot you can still under or over adjust so what's the difference? Just a few things I have been thinking about.