Yesterday I was detecting in area that had a stream going through the area. I got to thinking about the coils - are they submersible?
I went to the White's web site and didn't see anything mentioned about these coils being submersible. I would think they are but thought I would ask here before dabbing any silicone just to be sure.
Add - Once the sun got down over the horizon and the ambient light diminished, the Vision back-lit display was just so nice along with the glow buttons. Try and discern another machine knob settings in that condition. And I also used the Pro Pointer which has a LED light. This combination worked out when it was somewhat dark under the cover of trees and brush. Allowed me hunt a little longer after the sun went down. Normally I would have been on the road on my way back home before it got to that point.
I went to the White's web site and didn't see anything mentioned about these coils being submersible. I would think they are but thought I would ask here before dabbing any silicone just to be sure.
Add - Once the sun got down over the horizon and the ambient light diminished, the Vision back-lit display was just so nice along with the glow buttons. Try and discern another machine knob settings in that condition. And I also used the Pro Pointer which has a LED light. This combination worked out when it was somewhat dark under the cover of trees and brush. Allowed me hunt a little longer after the sun went down. Normally I would have been on the road on my way back home before it got to that point.