What a day. Great weather for MD'ing. Got out to my new spot around 2pm and started hitting the area that I found a Merc and War nickel. After about two hours I headed towards a bunch of trees. One of them was obviously very old. The roots stretched out at-least 40 feet and were visible along the surface. I started at the base of the tree, and as I circled the trunk I slowly worked my way outwards. Took awhile before I got a signal, but oh what a signal! It was a low tone, and the TID was showing nickel at 11-12, 12-13, but it was only between 3-4". Not very promising, or so I thought. Then I noticed that the target was directly under the root. Crap. I knew I was gonna have a hard time digging it out, but anything under a huge root has to be old right? Yes! Dug in and around until my pinpointer was abe to get down under the root and started screaming. I used the Lesche to scoop out my target, and I knew right away what it was. It was my first V nickel! I've been wanting to find one since I started this hobby, but they always seemed to allude me. After I packed my plug back around the root I started working my way down along it to see if anything else was trapped close to it, and then my next nickel signal hit. Again not very deep, and on my video I'm shocked yet again. I dig at the end of the visible root, and out pops another V nickel! Holy crap! My second in 20 minutes, and second ever. Having a great day. About another 30 minutes passed until I hit an iffy signal about 7" deep. It wasn't repeating, but decided to dig it anyway. To my surprise it was a 1906 Indian Head. This old tree was really paying off. Now that I was close to the end of this big root, I started working my way back towards the tree again. No more than 10 feet in that direction I hit another shallow nickel signal. 4-5" max. I cut a plug, and no friggin way! Another V nickel! My third on the day, and ever. I still can't believe I find three today after months of not finding any. Can't wait to get back to that area this weekend! 
All total: 1901, 1905, and 1908 V nickels. 1 1906 IH, a few Wheats from the mid 1950's, a 9mm bullet, and some trash.

All total: 1901, 1905, and 1908 V nickels. 1 1906 IH, a few Wheats from the mid 1950's, a 9mm bullet, and some trash.