Be advised if you're planning to attend next year; there are ALOT of hot-rocks along the Llano river and my Freedon Ace plus was banging on them like coins... a kinda' double-blip signal, even with disc. maxed. Cost me some time chasing them.
I took one home to play with. They look like harmless granite but they can mask coins like crazy. My Freedom 2 plus bangs on them too, but my newer machines (1000 and 1500) don't read them. None of my machines read coins well that were laying right next to the rock. Coins with the stone laying on top of them were completely invisible to any machine that I currently own.
Curious and disturbing. This area is known to produce flake gold so the ground mineralization is likely very different from what most of us are acustomed to.
John seemed to have less trouble with his 1250/elliptical coil rig and found twice the coins that I did and yes, I did find a token for a new 1500, but since I already own one, John H. bought it from me on the spot... so we both made out pretty well.
Prizes were 2 $5 gold coins, packs of silver rounds and 9 detectors... with 40-60 hunters, odds were pretty good.
It was a good time, I'll definitely be back next year!