Probably a bit off topic, but a true story nonetheless. --- Last Sunday, I had just begun a hunt (with permission), on the grounds of a 150 year old Masonic Lodge that is no longer in use, and currently for sale. After fine tuning to 705 as best I know how, I am ready for some really good finds. After about 5 minutes of searching, (no headphones thank goodness!), I hear a good signal that is sure to be an old silver coin. I drop down on my right knee, lay the 705 down, and begin cutting my plug. Suddenly, I hear a jingle of dog tags and, and look over my left shoulder just in time to see a huge pit bull charging me at full speed. As I spun, it snapped at my left arm, and got just a small taste of my bicep / tricep. Thank goodness for those 10 hours of close combat and knife/bayonet training as a Marine. Instinctively, I "assumed the position" and would smack the beast upside it's head with flat side of my Lesche digging tool, everytime it would attempt to close in, hoping to discourage it from eating me. I'm not a dog lover, but not a dog hater either, stabbing the animal, or slicing it's snarling face would have been very easy, but seeing the owner of the dog coming across the property to gain control of the dog, I thought that I would give him a minute or two to gain control of the animal before I sent it to doggie heaven.- I worked as a "sanitation engineer", aka, "garbage man", while attending school, and have no fear of dogs. I've been chased and bitten by the best of them. ------- After exchanging a few choice words with the the dog's owner, I sent the owner away with his dog, end of that story. -------------- So today, I thought I would enjoy another peaceful outing, and traveled to a county owned piece of property that once was a private, company owned recreation facility exclusively for it's employees, but now has been donated to the county, and is being updated, for use by the public. There is a old primitive camping area, surrounded by, and overgrown by woods. Once again, I get a good solid #42 signal, drop down on my right knee, (I'm left handed), prop the 705 against my bent left leg, and begin to dig. Concentrating on my recovery, I hear / feel a slight "thunk", and sense some movement near the toe of my left boot. Gazing through my dirty bi-focals, I think I see a "snake?" --- Sure enough, a 18" long reptile is attemping to eat my foot, boot and all. -- I should tell you at this point that I am afraid of nothing... Except snakes, and bats. Not feeling nearly as generous toward this creature as had the K9, I promptly severed it's head, and then, for good measure, cut the rest of it in half. Thank goodness for the incident with the pitbull, and my grinder. Sharp is good. And my Lesche tool shall forever be a kept sharp enough to penetrate all creatures, friend or foe. After arriving home, I looked up on the internet the type of snake that I suspected it was, and sure enough, I was correct. I won't name the species, because it is on the "endangered" and "protected" list. I will tell you this, it lives in the woods, and it rattles. In my opinion, I was the endangered creature. No wonder they are endangered, them critters is mean! --- So here's a sincere "THANK YOU" to Barnacle Bill, Digger, Des, and all the others for all their great tips and advice on detecting with these fine Minelab Detectors, making this X-Terra board the best of the best, But, is there anyway we could incorporate some knife fighting tips into the agenda? -- Thanks for listening, Dr. D