If you are interested, or want to buy, Paypal and contact are the same. backwoodsdetectors@comcast.net
As usual, all detectors are warranted to work perfectly when you get them or money back.
HH Richard
Minelab CTX 3030 / $1649
Minelab Equinox 800 / $719
Mint Vista X with Stock Coil, 5.7 coil, XS Coil, Extra CF Rod /$489
"New" White's VX3 with 950 Eclipse Coil / $699
Fisher F-5 with 11" DD Coil / $229
Nokta Anfibio WHP / $419
Makro MF Kruzer WHP / $319
"New" White's MX7 / $449
Mint White's XLT Spectrum in New hard case/ has it all / $399
Nokta Simplex WHP / $259
Deeptech Gold Gain / $289
Minelab E-TRAC with 6" Excelerator coil, no Xchange CD or armstrap, can't ship till Monday... replacing middle rod before it tears up / $479
Minelab Explorer II with stock coil and 8" coil / $429
As usual, all detectors are warranted to work perfectly when you get them or money back.
HH Richard
Minelab CTX 3030 / $1649
Minelab Equinox 800 / $719
Mint Vista X with Stock Coil, 5.7 coil, XS Coil, Extra CF Rod /$489
"New" White's VX3 with 950 Eclipse Coil / $699
Fisher F-5 with 11" DD Coil / $229
Nokta Anfibio WHP / $419
Makro MF Kruzer WHP / $319
"New" White's MX7 / $449
Mint White's XLT Spectrum in New hard case/ has it all / $399
Nokta Simplex WHP / $259
Deeptech Gold Gain / $289
Minelab Explorer II with stock coil and 8" coil / $429