Here's a very nice used Tarsacci. I have a hard time hearing the higher pitch bell tones in mixed mode and haven't used it much - probably less than 10 hours. It is lucky serial number 100, and I bought it new. It is out of warranty now. Has a 1/4" headphone adapter zip tied to shaft which worked great. Remove it to use 1/8" plug phones.
Comes with the nice backpack, decent headphones (I found cord too short, but would be good backups), 2 LiPo batteries, charger, and an extra coil cover. Did not come with a manual, but it's available on their website - CLICK HERE.
The only imperfections I see is a couple very small shiny spots on the display face where the maybe flat clearcoat flaked off ? Didn't notice til I took these pics.
$1000 shipped Priority in the US. Paypal or Postal Money Order. Thanks
Comes with the nice backpack, decent headphones (I found cord too short, but would be good backups), 2 LiPo batteries, charger, and an extra coil cover. Did not come with a manual, but it's available on their website - CLICK HERE.
The only imperfections I see is a couple very small shiny spots on the display face where the maybe flat clearcoat flaked off ? Didn't notice til I took these pics.
$1000 shipped Priority in the US. Paypal or Postal Money Order. Thanks